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Keynote speaker and Illusion expert

Unmask Your Illusions


Elevate your performance

For professionals, thinking rationally, solving problems and making great decisions is essential. Unfortunately, we all succumb to subconscious misperceptions, errors and illusions that can prevent us from reaching our performance potential.

Steve Haffner's keynote programs give your audience a fun, "magical" experience while exploring how to thrive by overcoming the errors, illusions and misperceptions that can prevent us from reaching our performance potential.

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To perform at our best as decision-makers and problem solvers, we need to understand how our brain fools us. Through cognitive shortcuts and irrational preferences, it creates misperceptions and distortions that can keep us from seeing problems clearly and discovering their solutions


As a former professional magician, Steve Haffner understands how illusions work and what we can do to mitigate the effects of our own inner deceptions. He provides strategies for outsmarting the inner illusions that are barriers to great performance.


I was impressed how you built from one model to the next and related it to real world decisions and evaluations. It was excellent!”

                  - Roger Buskill,  Association for Talent Development

With Steve's programs on trust, peak performance, and thriving through disruptions, audiences have a blast learning the hidden illusions of the subconscious mind and how to overcome them to perform at their best.

Steve encourages values-based decision making. Check out his Values Statement.

Client reviews and testimonials




Get smart! Enjoy Steve's weekly insights on decision making, critical thinking, illusion debunking, productivity, and peak performance.

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