mentalist: speaker and entertainer
mentalist: speaker and entertainer
mentalist: speaker and entertainer

From A-ha to TA-DA!
Elevate your performance by unmasking your inner trickster
Keynote program focus: Self-improvement, growth, motivation

Our performance as professionals depends on our ability to think clearly and rationally. However, our own brains can work against us, subconsciously tripping us up with cognitive biases, irrational impulses and logical fallacies.
In this magically entertaining program, Steve takes the audience through some of the most common illusions that can thwart our success. He presents strategies for recognizing them and countering their negative effects, transforming “A-HA” insights into “TA-DA!” performance.
Audience members have a blast with the interactive magic illusions, humor and personal stories, which make the experience even more engaging and memorable.
Audiences will be able to:
- Learn the secrets of attention control to better defeat distraction and misdirection
- Prioritize and leverage the massive advantages of high trust relationships
- Adapt and innovate by recognizing and mitigating the status quo bias